Friday, March 22, 2013

March 22, 2013

I'm starting to worry about a friend of mine; she asked if I was watching Mark Burnett's mini-series The Bible, and when I said, "No, but I read the book," she asked, "Was it good?"

One of the names Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are considering for their child is North, so the child's name would be North West. That's funny for like, 10 seconds.

It made headlines this week that Tiger Woods has found a girlfriend. I don't see how this is news, as recent history has shown he had no trouble finding women before.

Why don't more of us appreciate the value of time when we have more of it?

Pro wrestler Chris Mordetzky rescued his mother from a house fire set by a berserk neighbor by singlehandedly uprooting a tree and ramming it through a window. Man, I need to start working out.

I don't know why the idea fascinates me, but what if the younger twin actually pushes the other one out just to get a little alone time?

It always cracks me up when people attribute their behavior to their astrological sign, when idiots, maniacs, and jerks are born any time throughout the year.

A study released this week revealed that men of different ages make different dating choices. Any day now, I expect these same experts to discover that fire burns and ice freezes.

A pair of pandas in a Chinese facility showed no interest in breeding until they were shown a video of another pair of pandas. Who has videos like that handy?

I may be late to the party, but I was blown over when I learned this week that Chef Boyardee was an actual chef! His granddaughter, Anna Boyardee, is also a professional chef and cookbook author. Please, if there really was a Mrs. Butterworth, don't tell me yet, it might just push me over the edge.

Agape' -- P

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