Friday, January 3, 2014

January 3, 2014

A growing number of retail stores are gathering shopper demographics using sophisticated technology — including mannequins with facial-recognition cameras hidden in their eyes. While some find this an invasion of privacy, others say that honest people with nothing to hide have nothing to worry about. I agree that brick and mortar stores are private property, and watching shoppers is within the merchant's rights — but merchants should at least warn shoppers that they're being watched and tracked.

Prior to Shia LaBeouf's New Year's skywritten apology to Daniel Clowes, the author whose story LaBouf admits he copied for his own short film, the film star posted several apologies via Twitter, borrowing quotes from well-documented apologies from Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, film director Lars von Trier, and UK Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg. Plagiarism is one thing; committing plagiarism while apologizing for plagiarism takes extra nerve.

Learned from experience: when strangers greet you by asking, "How are you doing?", 9 times out of 10, it's rhetorical.

I'm not saying that this thought was inspired by any real life event that may or may not have actually happened, but it's a sad comment on this civilization when security personnel asks you to leave Walmart simply because you're smiling at people you don't know, hoping for a pleasant reaction. I'm just saying.

She got tired of watching other people work out on TV, so she joined a gym so she could watch other people work out in person.

A Chelsea, NY yoga studio says that their new nude coed yoga class is not intended to arouse anyone. Sounds like you won't see anything you like here. Not exactly a selling point.

Sales of adult diapers in Japan are increasing at such an alarming rate that the numbers are predicted to pass the number of sales of baby diapers in a few years. I'm not sure what this means, but it sounds ominous.

When you consider that beginning the year on January 1 was an arbitrary decision, don't all those resolutions, superstitions, and milestones based on New Year's seem like really wasted energy?

I also don't observe National Buffet Day on January 2. And to prove it, I consume all I can eat every day.

Did you know that medical personnel who decline flu shots for religious reasons are often permitted to do their jobs while wearing medical face masks? That option was not given to a 29-year-old Pennsylvania nurse who was fired because she declined the shot for fear that it would injure her unborn child. That's somewhat inconsistent, isn't it?

Agape' -- P

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