Friday, February 28, 2014

February 28, 2014

From the wish-I'd-thought-of-this department: an enterprising girl scout made headlines by selling 117 boxes of cookies in two hours by setting up her stand in front of a medical marijuana clinic in San Francisco. Since the news broke, girl scouts across the country are doing the same, forcing Girl Scouts associations to remind the public that the Girl Scout Code does not encourage sales outside adult-oriented businesses. Never mind debates on whether weed should be legal, or if it's more dangerous than alcohol (we hear enough on that controversy all the time anyway), but in my opinion, this was downright brilliant!

A dentist in Japan is facing criminal charges after reportedly escorting a female patient into a private room to massage her breasts in order to straighten her crooked teeth. I never believe in blaming the victim in a case of sexual assault. However, ladies, some of you have got to wise up.

A spelling bee contest in Missouri ended in a draw Saturday after the organizers ran out of words before either of the last two student competitors could be eliminated after 66 rounds. I'm usually pretty secure, but stories like this just make me feel like a doofus.

Remember the Dudley DooRight hat that Pharrell wore to the Grammys? He has put it up for auction on Ebay, and the bidding has exceeded the $15,000 mark. Pharrell has promised 100% of the proceeds to his charity, From One Hand to Another, which provides arts and educational resources for children. I think that, if this was his plan all along, it was brilliant! 

Is it bizarre that, while I had no interest in seeing the movies Gravity or The Wolf of Wall Street , I'm really interested in Muppets Most Wanted and Peabody and Sherman?

Group selfies are being blamed for a reported increase in the spread of head lice among teenagers. Yet another result of the horrors of technology.

There is a group of Albanian women who have taken a pledge to live like, dress like, and work like men, assuming the legal rights and privileges of men, for the rest of their lives. The pledge also includes celibacy. These women are reporting that their lifestyle is a choice, and that they weren't born this way. There goes their musical support from Lady Gaga.

A 10-year-old Norwegian boy who stole his parents' car and drove it into a ditch last week, and told police that he was actually a dwarf who'd left his driver's license at home, was caught again. This time, he stole the car of a visiting relative, and had even taken his 18-month-old sister along. In my opinion, a 10-year-old car thief/kidnapper ought to be a smarter liar.

Alec Baldwin announced his plans to leave New York to get away from the publicity machine (by the way, Alec, if you want to avoid the publicity machine, do it quietly). While this is bad news for the papparazzi who make money provoking him to physically attack them, it's good news for their insurance providers.

And now, a message that may or may not be directed to anyone in particular: no, you don't have to be gay to throw an Oscar party, but no thanks, I won't be able to make it.

Agape' -- P

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