I play this video to remind women that they aren't powerless, and they can strike fear in the hearts of men.
She was crushed when she found out that he couldn't be trusted... but it hurt even more that he didn't care to regain her trust.
Cracker Barrel restaurants initially stopped selling Duck Dynasty merchandise in support of the backlash against cast member Phil Robertson's public statements against gay lifestyles. However, after only one day, they backpedalled on that decision because of outraged customers. Ironic, isn't it, that Robertson held fast to his position.
By the way, Robertson also made statements that were anti-black people. According to spokespeople from the A&E network, Robertson was taken off the air because his anti-gay stance were especially offensive to the numerous gay employees. Do they not have black employees? Or is that offense less of an issue? Or is that less news-worthy?
A 27-year-old man in Texas was playing "the knockout game". In this game, one uses his (or her) smartphone to record himself (or herself) approach a total stranger and try to knock the victim unconscious with one punch, then flee the scene. In this case, the Texan broke the jaw of a 78-year-old man, then, boasted about it as he showed the video to a fellow bar patron who, it turns out, was an off-duty police officer. Because his victim was black, the man faces federal charges for a hate crime, and can be sentenced to 10 years in prison. Another video on his smartphone showed him stating that black people "haven’t fully experienced the blessing of evolution." But apparently, he hadn't been blessed with kindness or good sense.
I am so impressed with the timing of public opinion. Have you noticed that the celebrities chosen to top the lists called "Most Beautiful" or "Sexiest" are usually celebrities with a film, TV show, book, or album to promote? How do they do it?
According to Victoria's Secret, the target consumer for their lingerie sales are men. In other startling news, water is still wet and ice is still cold.
Little North West celebrated her first holiday season with designer items from Hermes Paris, Michael Coste, Stella McCartney, and Guiseppe. And, at 6 months old, she was probably more interested in the packaging.
Have you heard of the Ramen Burger?