Friday, November 1, 2013

November 1, 2013

It's a mistake to disregard logic simply because you've heard it before, especially if you never even considered it; perhaps you weren't listening the first 998 times. You could be in a totally different place when you hear it the 999th time.

A woman made headlines this week by promising her neighbors that she'd give candy to trick-or-treaters she deemed healthy, but would give letters counselling the parents to any children she considered moderately obese. Maybe she's short on toilet paper, or wants her house covered in eggs.

Reports are that the most popular costumes children wore to celebrate Halloween this year included Miley Cyrus' VMA skinsuit, a sexy French maid uniform, and a pimp. So, this is what people call harmless fun?

The FAA made news this week, announcing that the regulation for airplane passengers to turn off most electronic devices during takeoffs and landings has been removed. I can't help wondering how long these takeoffs and landings take, that this was such an inconvenience. Or has the sense of entitlement become so widespread that a few minutes is too much of a sacrifice for safety?

Italian scientists have found that dogs wag their tails to the right upon seeing something positive, and to the left when they see something negative. I'd like to see a study on how much funding is spent on certain studies while people are starving all over the world.

It's not only annoying to be told what to think or feel because of your birth race or color; it's downright insulting.

Troubled (I think that's a fair description) recording artist Chris Brown has entered anger management rehab, just after well-known troubled celebrity pugilist Mike Tyson publicly advised him to address his problems. You know you're in trouble when Mike Tyson has to tell you you have a problem.

I still say the candy bar labellers have it wrong; it's the king size candies that are fun size.

Altruism doesn't always go well; her makeover was unsuccessful because no one considered that she preferred the person she was to the person they wanted her to be.

Houston police are admonishing the city's citizens after a pantsless homeless man lay dead on a busy street for 20 hours while several people took pictures with their cellphones, but no one called for help. There really are no words, are there?

Agape' -- P

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