Friday, June 14, 2013

June 14, 2013

Kudos to Jo Frost, TV's Supernanny, who has demonstrated that growing up in a family can teach you about family without starting a family of your own.

As smarmy as this sounds, I'm commenting on the cosmetic procedure that George Clooney has repeatedly joked about (which turns out, is a real thing) for two reasons: (1) it's so absurd, it screams for me to opine on it, and (2) I have chosen not to comment on Michael Douglas' claim as to how he got throat cancer (notice how I cleverly did that?). Here is my comment: nobody's body is so perfect that that area is a cosmetic priority.

A thought occurred to me while watching a rerun of The Jeffersons: do you think George Jefferson hated pandas as much as he hated zebras?

 Two news items from last week: (1) a New York soccer mom was arrested for owning and maintaining a warehouse housing $3,000,000 worth of marijuana plants when she paid an understandably huge electric bill with cash, and (2) a North Carolina postal worker who'd collected disability payments for years because of a shoulder injury was arrested for fraud after twice spinning the big wheel on The Price is Right. News stories about criminals sure are funny when their own boneheaded moves get them caught.

A woman who overheard a fellow commuter train passenger (whom she did not know) bragging about his extramarital affair took his picture with her cellphone, and posted it on Facebook in hopes that his wife would see it. I'm neither condoning his adultery nor criticizing the stupidity of bragging about such a thing in public, but I am hoping that he and his wife don't have children who'll be scarred by this exposure.

Fixing a hamburger is no more difficult than fixing a grilled cheese sandwich. So how come I'd order a hamburger in a restaurant, but not a grilled cheese? Yes, I've actually wondered about that

A judge rescinded her decision to accept Chad Johnson's community service ruling for violating probation and sentenced him to 30 days in jail because Johnson, when asked by the judge if he appreciated his attorney's efforts, gave his attorney a pat on the behind. Was it overkill at taxpayers' expense, or demanding respect for judicial authority? People are divided on the issue. But don't be surprised if that judge gets her own TV show out of this.

Was watching contestants on the TV game show Wipeout when I started wondering if the show owes its success to Joe Pesci and Daniel Stern from Home Alone, or Wile E Coyote from Road Runner cartoons.

Am I the only one who thinks the fertility statue of Kim Kardashian looks like the dancing baby hologram from Ally McBeal?

Even though it's the year 2013, and they're outdated and underwear-like, I think it's an outrageous slap in the face that Superman is no longer wearing his red shorts. There. I said it.

Agape' -- P

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