Friday, June 21, 2013

June 21, 2013

I always get a kick out of news taglines that say, "This is the story everyone's talking about," and in reality, nobody's talking about it. Guess I'm just twisted like that.

Kim Kardashian gave birth to a baby girl last Saturday. As we were forewarned, she and her babydaddy Kanye West announced that they're naming their daughter North (get it,  North West?). That means either they aren't reading this blog, or couldn't care less about my opinion. Oh, well...

I actually felt sorry for Miss Utah, whose stammering flub during the question portion of this week's Miss USA pageant has made her the butt of a lot of jokes. Hey, it's not easy to be pretty and articulate at the same time; I barely manage to pull it off myself.

James Franco, who is reportedly worth 20 million dollars, is offering small roles, executive producer credits, and dinner with him to anyone offering certain amounts of donations to an indie film trilogy project based on his book Palo Alto. In other words, those organizations collecting donations to fight disease, homelessness, and famine can all wait, right?

People have claimed to see the image of Jesus Christ  in water stains and toast patterns; now, someone claims that they've seen his image on a dog's behind. Really. how bored (or drunk or high) does one have to be to stare at your dog's behind long enough to start thinking, "Hey, that looks like Jesus!"

While going through security at an airport in Turkey, a young mother accidentally handed the official a toy passport addressed to a unicorn instead of the actual passport for her 9-year-old little girl. The customs official stamped the passport, and let them through. I don't think there's any resemblance; do you?

Ever get a song stuck in your head, but you don't want to admit you like it? The fear of that happenig is one reason I refuse to listen to Justin Bieber.

We have to come up with a better term for explaining the opposite side of a dispute; I refuse to refer to myself as a devil's advocate.

When I was growing up, one adult told me that thunder was the sound of angels bowling; another told me it was the devil beating his wife. I wish I could have given them both copies of my science textbook.

There was a time when an apology included the words, "I'm sorry." Then, people redefined an apology with the words, "My bad." Now, people don't even acknowledge doing something wrong. Is that what's known as progress?

Agape' -- P

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