Friday, July 5, 2013

July 5, 2013

If ignorance of the law is no excuse, then "I didn't know" is no substitute for "I'm sorry."

Last week, Sesame Workshop, the production company behind Sesame Street, announced that 10% of its workforce will be laid off due to cutbacks. How sad is an out-of-work muppet?

I understand about Q ratings and all, but it's still very messed up that top billing in the movie The Lone Ranger goes to the actor playing Tonto, even if it is Johnny Depp.

At the risk of pushing the edge of the envelope, why is it that most of the people who insist on walking around nude are the least likely people anyone wants to see nude?

An increasing trend in weddings is the collection of cellphones from the guests to prohibit the taking of unauthorized photos of the wedding party and/or decorations. I think this comes from a desire to feel like Alec Baldwin. Hey, bride and/or groom: get over yourself.

To celebrate the premiere of its second season (doesn't it seem like it's been around longer?), the TV show Here Comes Honey Boo Boo will be a scratch and sniff event. Viewers will be able to, during select moments of the program, scratch special cards that are available in certain retail stores and this week's People magazine, and enjoy significant aromas. But I don't fancy the notion of anything scratch and sniff with "boo boo" in the title, do you?

Is there a more arrogant statement than "What do you mean, 'no'?"

A woman found a snake in th bag of potatoes she brought home from her local Walmart. Another woman was awakened by an exploding jar of homemade rhubarb chutney in her refrigerator. I don't care how many stories like this I see in the news, you will not convince me that food is an enemy.

Just a note to those parents who think they should tell their children everything: are you sure your kids are telling you everything?

I think you hear more about people getting the crap beaten out of them than it actually happening.

Agape' -- P

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