Friday, February 1, 2013

February 1, 2013

I propose a beer commercial where guys discover that with every beer, the women around them turn into Beyonce. From what I know about beer goggles, that's a lot more realistic than that yogurt that's supposed to turn guys into John Stamos.

A person with character treats his/her loved ones with tenderness, even if they prefer to be mistreated.

Planning snacks for Super Bowl Sunday: I want spinach/sausage stuffed pizza, buffalo wings, Rolling Rock, and frozen chocolate custard. But I'm planning on baby carrots, sesame sticks, hummus, and iced tea. Reality can be a pain in the bottom, can't it?

Who you are now doesn't have to be who you always will be. Have you always been who you are now?

"Garbage in, garbage out" -- not necessarily true in parenting. Sometimes good parents raise rotten adults, and vice versa.

We are all the product of our experiences. When you think about it, we're all really amateurs.

I have absolutely no evidence of this, but it wouldn't surprise me to learn that the first person to ever use profanity was dealing with family.

Are you ready for the Earth-shattering entertainment news headlines of this week? Jim Nabors announced he was gay, and Randy Travis was sentenced to rehab. Please, nobody hit me with a feather, I might fall over.

How ironic is it that this year marks the 20th anniversary of the film Dazed and Confused, and its star, Jason London, does not quite remember the Arizona drunken bar brawl preceding his arrest last week for disorderly conduct and assault, which preceded him purposely soiling himself in the police car as he was being hauled away. It's like method acting in reverse.

The idea of wearing colors to raise awareness for causes sort of defeats itself when the number of causes is bigger than the numbers of colors. Red stands for heart disease as well as Aids and DUI; purple is for animal abuse, Alzheimer's, fibromyalgia, and domestic abuse; pink is for both breast and testicular cancer... why aren't more people just wearing plaid?

Agape' -- P

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