Mi casa is not really su casa until you start kicking in on el alquiler.
The slave action figures based on the movie D'Jango: Unchained have not only bern discontinued by the manufacturer, but also banned from Ebay, where some had been listed for auction by people who bought them before the line was stopped. What is a nostalgic Klansman who's into collectibles to do?
A 31-year-old Oxford mom called 911 after trying for an hour to get her head out of her child's high chair. Firefighters were able to free the mom, who also had a friend record the event. Did I mention that before putting on the high chair, she'd polished off a bottle or two of wine with her girlfriends? See? This is why there are no high chairs in my house.
First, the fascination with celebrity built an entire entertainment news industry. Then, along came TV competitions to make stars out of talented unknowns. Then, the increase in reality TV shows made stars out of unknowns with no talent. I think more and more people are measuring success with being famous.
I was watching a Different Strokes marathon (a tribute to Conrad Bain a/k/a Mr. Drummond, who died last week) when it dawned on me that Angelina Jolie, Madonna, and Sandra Bullock got all these props for adopting black babies, but there was no love for the trailblazers like Mr. Drummond and the couple who adopted Webster. Not fair.
Ronaiah Tulasosopo, who has confessed to being the mastermind of the hoax of an online romance with Manti Te'o, has revealed that his motivation was "intense emotional feelings" for Manti. In response, Manti is publicly and vehemently defending his heterosexuality. Once again, real life is proving more intense than fiction.
Whoever came up with the idea that corrupting the lyrics to classic hit songs would be useful in marketing? Tragic.
Another crime that often goes unpunished: dimming the stars in the eyes of an optimist.
Quietly ignoring mistreatment is like shaking a sealed can of beer; eventually, it's going to explode.
You are the one who defines who you are... even if that definition is someone who lets others define who you are.
Agape' -- P
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