Am I just incredibly anal, or does it annoy anyone else when a movie that isn't even in theaters yet is advertised as "the best movie of 2013" in the middle of April?
Somebody save me from people who are so into their own hidden agendas that they can't even answer a simple question because they're too busy trying to figure out what you really mean.
How many of us have chosen that relationship where you see that gentle side that no one else sees, but you forget about the repulsive side that everybody else sees? Because you're going to have to deal with that side, too.
Thanks to mobile credit card apps, people are using plastic to pay for prostitution. Wouldn't it be ironic if this was the future that Steve Jobs and Bill Gates wanted?
This is my last chance to blog this before his reality TV show premieres next week: Does anyone really care about What Would Ryan Lochte Do?
I was impressed by Kid Rock's announcement that he would drop the ticket prices for his concert tour to $20 as a protest for the ticket prices for Jay-z and Justin Timberlake's tour, which range betwern $50 and $250+. Ironically, I'm not interested in going to any concert, even for $20. But I'm still impressed.
Three men were seized by religious police during s heritage and cultural festival in Saudi Arabia, and were deported from the country, because they were reportedly so handsome, the authorities were worried that the women would not be able to resist them. I know I give everyone the impression that it's because I can't afford it, but this is the real reason i don't travel... too much responsibility.
After 25 years on TV, and helping track down 1,100 real fugitives, America's Most Wanted has been cancelled. Meanwhile, there are dozens of lawsuit-over-unpaid-debts court shows, several you-are/are-not-the-daddy talk shows, and dozens of follow-me-while-I-find-someone-to-fight/hookup-with "reality" shows. Just giving the viewing public what it wants.
An anti-circumcision group known as the Canadian Foreskin Awareness Project (I could not make this stuff up) is criticizing Oprah Winfrey for endorsing a face cream that uses human circumcision discards as a product ingredient. Remember when the cattle industry went after Oprah for a spontaneous statement about red meat? Talk about irony!
I am loathe to give the impression that I'm minimizing or trivializing the tragedies of the Boston bombings or the Texas plant explosion this week. But I will say this: don't put off giving a hug to someone you love today.
Agape' -- P
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