Friday, December 21, 2012

December 21, 2012

Lindsay Lohan sent roses to Charlie Sheen to thank him for the $100,000 he gave her to pay her IRS debt. This was after he publicly slammed her for not thanking him. Her excuse was that she lost his phone number when her phone broke. With excuses like that, is it any wonder that she`s always in trouble with the law?

The Christmas holiday season is almost over. Soon, the premise that you can buy the love of the people in your life will be temporarily replaced by the premise that you can ensure a happier year by not being alone when the year begins.

Hatred does not crush your spirit... insignificance does.

A company known as Baubles has marketed scrotum-shaped Christmas tree ornaments to raise awareness of testicular cancer. Further proof that you don`t have to be tasteful to support a worthy cause.

ABC is developing a sitcom based on the adolescence of 18-year-old Justin Bieber, focusing on his unorthodox experience of being raised by a single mom. Nevermind that he`s still an adolescent. Nevermind that there are millions of people currently being raised by single parents. How do they greenlight ideas like this, while they cancel quality programming?

Several discussions were sparked last week by ESPN commentator Rob Parker`s reference to Washington Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin III as a "cornbread brother" because Griffin is a black man engaged to marry a white woman. Parker, who is also black, did praise Griffin for wearing braids as an "authentic black person", but considers him not "down for the cause" because of his choice in women and possibly politics (he might be a Republican). Further proof that you can be foolish and have a career in television. Meanwhile, how ironic is it that Griffin plays for a team named after a slur against native Americans?

There are exponentially more people treated like crap than there are people who deserve to be treated like crap.

Last week, numerologists anticipated the date of December 12, 2012, because the next date with digital significance won't occur until January 1, 3001 (1/1/01). This week, it's December 21, 2012, anticipated by followers of the Mayan calendar, as well as, perhaps, numerologists with dyslexia.

How do you reach that level of celebrity that makes you forget (or not care about) underwear? Don't complain about papparazzi invading your privacy when you don't wear drawers to an event where you know you'll be photographed.

My heart goes out to those suffering after the horror of last week's tragedy in Connecticut. Have you noticed that people immediately try to place or deflect blame? Was it caused by violent entertainment? Who is responsible, the producers, or the consumers? Is it the fault of legislators who don't write stronger gun laws, ineffective law enforcement, or an imperfect judicial network? How do stronger gun laws affect people psychotic enough to break the laws alrrady in place? And is the concentration on placing or deflecting blame overshadowing the tragedy?

Agape' - P

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