Have you noticed that some people will defend your right to have an opinion, but not your right to disagree?
A study has determined that watching horror films aids weight loss; up to 184(!) calories can be burned by an increased metabolic rate and the speed of blood circulation as the pulse quickens. But I don't need a horror film; the fact that money was spent studying something I learned in grammar school science is already pretty scary.
I'm still waiting for scientists to determine what random phenomenon caused the big bang believed to have created such an orderly universe.
82-year-old Gene Hackman slapped a homeless man who called Hackman's wife a terribly vulgar name. Some people are impressed that Hackman defended his wife, some people are surprised that the homeless man is suing Hackman, but I'm just intrigued because I never hear of men slapping each other any more.
Disney has bought the Star Wars franchise from creator George Lucas, and plans to remake the films. I'm not sure I want to see a Disney version of the Princess Leia/Jabba the Hutt scene from Return of the Jedi. Although Disney's ewoks might be kind of cute.
Americans are projected to have spent $8,000,000,000.00 on Halloween this year. Recession reschmession.
My heart goes out to those victimized by Hurricane Sandy. Meanwhile, Sandy is too cute a name for something causing so much damage. What's next, Tropical Storm Skippy?
A Chinese citizen was granted his divorce because his wife had extensive plastic surgery before they married. The tip-off? A DNA test confirming he truly was the bio dad of their 5-month-old "incredibly ugly" baby. I don't want to encourage it, but I think there's a reality show in the making here. There's actually a child I feel sorrier for than Honey Boo Boo.
Octomom Nadya Suleman reportedly went to rehab due to addiction to the anti-anxiety medication Xanyx. Hmmm... 14 kids, 8 of them 3 years old... bankruptcy... public scrutiny... death threats... a career in porn.... do you think she's stressed?
From the people-still-surprise-me-department: while Hurricane Sandy ravaged the East Coast, there was a large number of New Yorkers using the storm to solicit adult encounters, a/k/a "hurricane hookups" via Craigslist. I guess there's nothing like priorities.
Agape' -- P
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