If you're not happy there, or it's not a healthy place to be, can you really call it a comfort zone?
If intolerance is the same as hate (and a lot of people think it is), then tolerance must be the same as love; which means I love twice the number of people I thought I loved.
According to the news, a man who had gender reassignment surgery 23 years ago is upset because his doctors will not comply with his request for another surgery to undo his reassignment; after 23 years, he says he realizes he really wasn't a woman in a man's body. I could go into a wordy moral about not tampering with biology, but the point can basically be summed up with the familiar phrase: you break it, you bought it.
Is it just me, or are there even more reality TV shows following the lives of people I neither know nor care about?
Wasington Redskins reserve player Adam Carriker followed through on his promise to be photographed in pro wrestling gear (we're talking man panties) after losing a bet with retired wrestler Bill Goldberg. Are you paying attention, Green Bay Packer Aaron Rodgers?
Why do people complain that Paula Deen's southern accent seems thicker as time goes on, but no one complains about the same thing happening with Sofia Vergara's Latino accent? Could it be because when we look at Sofia Vergara, the last thing we're paying attention to is whatever it is she's saying?
Vanity should not come ahead of functionality; there's nothing impressive about not being as independent as possible.
Before complaining about what someone has done to you, it would help to remember if the person is still alive to say they're sorry.
Nothing cures feeling like a teenager better than talking to a teenager. Maybe we should thank them for helping us remember who we are.
It's amazing, the amount of money, time, and effort spent on correcting the ugly on the outside, but not the inside.
Agape' -- P
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