Seeing the glass as half full beats seeing it as half empty. The challenge is in keeping it half full.
I admit, I can understand where controversial, inappropriate humor comes from; there's a sincere tendency to use humor to handle discomfort. Unfortunately, this gets morphed by comedian's need to be competitive to survive, and the fickleness of fans attracted by edginess. Sometimes I think we're too amateurish to handle this world.
They thought they had to put on a facade to impress their friends, when actually, they were the only ones who didn't like the real them. It's both ironic and sad.
The NCAA's ruling about the Paterno scandal at Penn State included not only a $60,000,000 fine, but also a four-year ban on participating in bowl games, a reduction in scholarships, and vacating 111 of their victories. But isn't that punishing the students instead?
With the public fighting, custody skirmishes, and feuds over money, the Jackson family seems to be falling apart since the death of Michael Jackson. Who would've thought that he was the glue holding things together?
Those who refuse to listen to direction end up going nowhere. It sounds pretty basic, but you'd be surprised at the number of us who don't know this.
I think I'm more concerned about the quality of the products I buy than the politics of the business owner. After all, how do I know that the guy who sells me gas isn't a member of the KKK? And if I find out, couldn't I make a more effective statement by taking my money elsewhere?
Sherman Hemsley, star of The Jeffersons, died this week. Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart broke up after she was caught kissing another man. Guess which story got the bigger headline.
The increaae in auto accidents caused by distracted driving is alarming, but does the plan to post billboards along the highway to warn drivers not to be distracted sound like the way to go?
Is it just me, or does the older gentleman in the Ocean Spray commercials remind anyone else of the older gentleman in the old Bartles & Jaymes commercials?
Agape' -- P
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